Tuesday, August 30, 2005

A Little Less Echo Chamber, A Little More Action

A month ago I commented on this NYT article, where toward the end they threw in a few of Roberts' opinions that seemed to be awfully suspicious and bordering on racist to me.

Today the Washington Post makes that claim very noticeably and leads with:

Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr. advised the Reagan administration's attorney general that "it makes eminent sense" to seek legislation permanently barring the use of employment quotas to redress discrimination and prohibiting the busing of students to foster the integration of schools, according to newly disclosed archival documents.

Hats off to the WaPo for calling a spade a spade and not pussyfooting around with "Democrats have evidence that Bush lied about Iraq, but Bush says there is nothing new to discuss."

The War on Social Security (WoSS)

Since the WoT (War on Terror) has been renamed GSAVE (Global Struggle Against Violent Extremism), I guess we should have seen this coming because Bush is a war president and he likes being at war.

At his Arizona event, which included blue and white signs reminding the audience that the effort was part of "Keeping Our Promise to Seniors," Mr. Bush also emphasized, for the first time in weeks, his proposals to revamp Social Security. He promised those in his audience that they would continue receiving benefits even if the system was revised. To one participant, Margaret Cantrell, 82, Mr. Bush insisted that while her Social Security benefits might be secure, she needed to worry about the program's survival for future generations.

I think this shows that Bush is finally nailed. He ran away from SS to Iraq because the country strongly disagreed with him on SS from the start and that did not change no matter what he said. Now he is running away like a little girl holding her skirt in a bunch because he is tanking so badly on Iraq and on jobs. He no longer has anywhere to go where he will be on level ground. The notion that he can get traction on an issue he has already been soundly defeated on is ridiculous. Democrats and the media should not give a minute of their - and our - time to let Bush say one more word on this subject.

To paraphrase - or probably quote - Scott McClellan, I've already answered that question, let's move along.

New Orleans

We love you, Big Easy.

Get well soon.


Monday, August 29, 2005


Props to Atrios for this link, and I agree that this is the dumbest thing I have read in a long time. How does this person have a job?

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Unrepresentative Constitution

Sunnis are screwed and you know how they're going to take out their discontent. Way to go, Bush.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Not Sealing the Deal

Rumsfeld can say that Iraq will not descend into civil war because so far it has not, but - aside from being pretty dubious - that does not change reality:

Al-Qaisi said the Sunnis do not accept the draft which Shiites and Kurds said Friday was complete. He said the Sunnis would not agree ''unless the amendments we added today are included'' in the version which will be given to parliament Sunday.

It's almost like watching a train wreck in slow motion.


Friday, August 26, 2005

A Letter to the USA

From the Minister of Silly Walks.

Update: Ok, so it's not from the Minister of Silly Walks. But it's still cool.

Storm's A Coming

In the NYT,

Mr. Bush intervened when some senior Shiite leaders said they had decided to bypass their Sunni counterparts, as well as Iraqi lawmakers, and send the document directly to Iraqi voters for their approval.

The fact that this happened sends a clear indication that a storm's approaching Iraq and it's going to be a bloody one; much bloodier than anything we've seen so far.

Read Billmon's latest on the matter, he's much better at describing the situation than I am.

Breaking Point

Greenspan may say

"The developing protectionism regarding trade and our reluctance to place fiscal policy on a more sustainable path are threatening what may well be our most valued policy asset: the increased flexibility of our economy, which has fostered our extraordinary resilience to shocks,"

But that's nothing more than a sprinkling of truth in an otherwise bald-faced lie.

Technically he's correct, protectionism is not good for our economy and the debt is a huge problem. However, this completely ignores the Fed's role in creating our current economic problems.

You might say the U.S. economy is flexible because after the tech bubble burst Greenspan inadvertently funneled the brunt of it away into speculation in the real estate market by keeping interest rates artificially low. The problem is that when this bubble burts there will be nowhere for that money to go. We may be flexible, but right now we're looking at the straws that will break the camel's back.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Wide Eyed and Clueless

Just caught a clip of Bush at an informal press conference in Idaho (he's still on vacation), and his answer to will women's rights be protected in the new Iraqi constitution was something like

Of course they will. I've spoken to Condi about it and they'll have freedom. Women make up 1/4th of the government.

Of course they will. Just what kind of freedom and rights I'm sure dear leader neither knows nor cares. In response to the question on if the constitution made Iraq an Islamic state:

It said a religion, it did not specifically say which one.

Way to pull a Clinton, Bush.

Billmon has more on the drawing up of the non-discriminatory Iraqi constitution.

Update: Atrios has part of the transcript, as well as the link to the entire thing.

Iran Safe

I am SO relieved.

Traces of bomb-grade uranium found two years ago in Iran came from contaminated Pakistani equipment and are not evidence of a clandestine nuclear weapons program, a group of U.S. government experts and other international scientists has determined

Good luck to Bushco at trying to come up with a rationalization for war with Iran.

Although since it's science I guess it's only a matter of time before someone's going to claim that there are nuclear weapons there, we just haven't found them yet because god wants to hide them from us until we can be punished for making the world gay. This theory will be called "Intelligent WMDs" and will be given equal time in the mainstream media.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Globalization Out, Universalization In

This is a good read.


Typical Democrats don't know what they're doing and are divided story from the WaPo.

Let's get something straight. We've got the DLC "centritsts" telling us that we can't oppose the war because it's not politically expedient and anti American. Like kos says, even ignoring the fact that there's something more important here than politics, like people's lives, the DLC line doesn't add up. Bush's latest numbers are awful.

How can DLCers say that Iraq is too nuclear (har har) to handle as an issue? Take it and hit Republicans with it again and again until they beg for mercy and then keep hitting them. It's not getting any better for them and it's a chance for congressional Democrats to seize a leadership initiative. Trying to pull a Biden or a Clinton (we can win if we fight harder or better) is not going to win any points with the public. It is time someone (thank you, Russ Feingold) took a stand and called the elephant in the room for what it is. Sen. Hagel (R-NE) has blasted Bush on Iraq, how's that for an anti-American pacifist?

The netroots knows what it wants, and it doesn't have to cater to Republicans. Which raises the question, why are elected Democrats carrying water for Republicans?

Also check out Armando's ripping into this article.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Bankruptcy Cattle Call

Just a reminder that if you do not file now you probably will not be able to in a couple months.

Good luck.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Not Extinct?

I did not think any thinking, reality based conservatives existed any more.

Thank you, George Will.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Incredible, Unstoppable Oil Economy

Because oil and gas will be cheap forever, we must let the Hummer manufacturers get what they want or they will run us over.

The Bush administration is expected to abandon a proposal to extend fuel economy regulations to include Hummer H2's and other huge sport utility vehicles, auto industry and other officials say.

The proposal was among a number of potential strategies outlined by the administration in 2003 to overhaul mileage requirements for light trucks - sport utility vehicles, pickup trucks and minivans. It had been seen by industry officials as likely to be adopted.

No, we do not need those things because really, oil will never run out and global warming is a hoax. Besides, we do not depend on the Middle East for oil, that is nothing more than an old wives' tale.

Now excuse me while I toss back a nice glass of light sweet crude and vodka.

is just for kicks.

Supporting Bush = Supporting Living Troops

The dead ones don't even deserve to have crosses put up for their sacrifice, because that would be hurting the living troops. Those crosses must be mowed down by a pickup truck at night.


Sunday, August 14, 2005

Politics Is Not the Stock Market

In the stock market, many of the markets' moves are based on expectations. Therefore you have companies (Intel, IBM) trying to artificially reduce expectations so when the numbers and they are more in line with what they normally should be, the companies look better. Politics, however, is not the stock market. One dead solider is better than two dead soldiers, but in any regard it is not good, and the public will not be any happier.

Therefore, Bushco can take this strategy and use it all they want, it will not help them.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Camp Cindy

Glad someone's noticed.

Friday, August 12, 2005

DeLay? Corrupt?????

Oh, my poor, little, innocent ears.

ARMPAC failed to properly disclose debts totaling $322,306 that it owed to 25 vendors, the report said. McGahn said that the vendors were paid on time and that the fund amended disclosure documents to comply with the auditors' criticisms.

DeLay's fund also spent $203,483 from a non-federal account -- which contained money relatively easy to raise in large chunks -- that should have come from an account governed by tighter federal laws, which make the money harder to collect in such sizable amounts.

Tom DeLay breaks the law because he loves America.



We'll miss you.

Jack Abramoff, the once-powerful Republican lobbyist involved in ethics allegations facing Representative Tom DeLay, was indicted in Florida on Thursday on unrelated fraud charges involving his purchase of a fleet of gambling boats from a businessman who was slain amid bitter wrangling over the sale.

Nah, no we won't :)


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Bigot at Large

Between saying that the deceased Casey Sheehan would not approve of his mother's actions and likening anti-war protesters to Communist sympathizers (this is by someone who the KKK would lynch in a breath) I think Michelle Malkin needs to own up that she is an awful human being.

What other kind of person would write a book in praise of the interning Japanese Americans during WWII?

Watch the video at Crooks and Liars.

Nowhere to Run, Something to Hide?

Either Roberts is good enough to be confirmed, or he is as ugly as the giant, hairy mole you know is on Dick Cheney's ass and will not be confirmed. A Supreme Court justice is nothing more than a man and he cannot be perfect. Democrats cannot block him if there are a couple stains on his record (although racism and anti-privacy are pretty bad). The least you can do is be honest about who he is and get on with it. Instead, we have this:

Thrown on the defensive by recent revelations about Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr.'s legal work, White House aides are delaying the release of tens of thousands of documents from the Reagan administration to give themselves time to find any new surprises before they are turned into political ammunition by Democrats.

Delaying the release of papers in order to give the GOP more time to arm itself and the Democrats less time to get through the documents is politics. It is neither forthright nor honest and frankly, it is not democratic. What does Bush do whenever someone does something he does not like? He accuses them of using politics, as if he is above that. Well delay your response to this, Bush.


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Bubble Bath

We are in the middle of a bubble and the 'good' economy cannot last that much longer. Read this dkos diary as well as the links, the case is growing more solid every day.

IRan a Scam?

Bush signed the energy bill yesterday, telling us that he's the kinda guy who wouldn't give another guy a reacharound. (hint hint)

What bothers me (besides everything in the bill) is that we have all this flag waving and rumblings about Iran not being allowed to start up nuclear reactors and such when look at what is in the energy bill:

The new energy law weakens limits on exports of highly enriched uranium, a change opposed by people who fear the spread of nuclear weapons and by the top nonproliferation official at the Energy Department.

Wouldn't give another guy a reacharound.

That's your friendly* GOP, making life easier for oil billionaires and stepping all over you.

*must be white and christian or very very rich.

Monday, August 08, 2005


The NYT:

Judge John G. Roberts Jr., President Bush's nominee for the Supreme Court, has written quite a bit in opposition to a constitutional right to privacy that has served as the basis for Supreme Court decisions protecting abortion and gay rights. But his writings, though distinctive and consistent, were always on behalf of superiors and clients and might not reflect his own views, then or now.

I call bull. As a high powered lawyer Roberts was not forced into taking any of these cases. He could have chosen as he pleased. Similarly, Roberts did not have to accept employment in the Reagan administration, but he did. Saying that we can divorce him from his superiors and clients is a dubious argument.

Admit it NYT, you fell for Roberts like a twittery schoolgirl but now you are wasting time defending yourself since you realized that he is not all he was supposed to be.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Judy, Judy, Judy

By which I mean Libby, Libby, Libby.

In the bad news department, we might be in trouble.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Reality Anyone?

Think on this for a second and then I have a couple questions for you:

President Bush crowed about the strength of the U.S. economy on Saturday and credited his hotly debated tax cuts for the growth.

1. What strength and growth?

2. Tax cuts = growth?

In response to 1, there is none. New jobs created beat expectations by about 20k, but what does that mean? First, we do not have the jobs lost to measure net jobs against. Second, what kind of jobs are these? High paying ones or Walmart ones? Third, the only reason the unemployment statistic is so low is because the Department of Labor stops counting people as unemployed after they have been out of work for an extended period of time. Fourth, this is a statistic for one month. It does not signal a sustained economic recovery (by the by, we are still in a recession, the DJIA and the NASD are not good indicators for the economy as a whole). Fifth, take a look at some wage statistics.

In response to 2, hell no. Trickle down has been proven time and time again not to work. Bush's tax cuts have only served to widen income inequality and make the lives of most Americans worse.

Bush's reality has gotten better (way to be landed gentry) but America's has not.


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Hey Press!!!!

Don't conveniently forget this or give equal time to something that is wrong!!!!

A major U.S. intelligence review has projected that Iran is about a decade away from manufacturing the key ingredient for a nuclear weapon, roughly doubling the previous estimate of five years, according to government sources with firsthand knowledge of the new analysis.

Bush administration, you all suck.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Bolton In, Democracy Out

We all knew it was coming:

President Bush sidestepped the U.S. Senate on Monday and installed controversial nominee John Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations, saying the post was "too important to leave vacant any longer."

Speaking at the White House, Bush said he was sending Bolton to the United Nations with his "complete confidence."

Of course Bolton has Bush's complete confidence (of corruption), which is why Bush withheld
documents that Democrats wanted before they would give Bolton his confirmation hearings. Looks like Bush has a lot to hide. The silver lining is that Bolton will not get any of his reforms done at the UN because global trust and sentiment for America is as high as sentiment for the clap.
