Lieberman believes the Republican party is the party of righteousness and the Democratic party is the party of sin. How else could he spout this garbage?
I mean that's just absolutely the wrong response, and it shows how politically
sick congress in Washington has become, because everything is seen through the prism of partisanship. I'm not naive, I've been in this business a long time, and I know that we are in an election year but my God! This is a guy who took advantage of a kid, a minor. Kids who came to Washington with a lot dreams about being a page, and maybe being a member of congress one day. This is the classic pattern that for years women have been complaining about, which is that a man in a superior position in their place of employment uses that to...basically for
sexual harassment so the thing was just immoral and outrageous. Obviously Foley
had to go and he did go. Now to make it into a political question is wrong.
For the purpose of this post, let us not dwell his little ode to Clinton during the impeachment. Ned Lamont, on the other hand,
believes the following:
“Joe Lieberman just can’t bring himself to hold anyone in Washington
accountable, even when the safety of our children is at stake. If Dennis Hastert
knew that Mark Foley was harassing minors and didn’t do anything about it, he
should resign immediately. Anyone who disagrees is morally tone deaf. The fact
that Joe Lieberman says calling for Hastert’s resignation is too “partisan”
demonstrates that he’s been in Washington so long that he can’t recognize the
difference between what’s right and what’s partisan.
We expect Senator Lieberman to stand by President Bush on the war and other failed policies, but until now we didn’t expect him to protect a public leader who put the safety of our children at risk. Connecticut deserves better than someone who puts a twisted definition of “bipartisanship” ahead of what’s right for this country.
It’s time for a change.”
Exactly. Joe Lieberman is an apostate, and he will be smote down in great anger with a sword of fire on election day. Everyone knows that the first rule of any religion is: we, and only we, are right. Joe needs to pay the price for cavorting and performing obscene acts with Republicans, and worshipping at the Republican god of power as an ends unto itself. Incidentally, I think this is very telling about Joe:
Denny Hastert doesn't come to me for advice but if I were him I would tell them
get somebody who people in both parties respect in there quickly, immediately.
Joe think the path to salvation comes by being respected on both sides of the aisle. Wink, wink, Denny, I'll give you a reacharound in the men's room after this is all over (never mind kicking Clinton when he was down to make himself seem like a greater man). Not only does Joe have no idea how politics works - he has become too dependent on the scraps thrown to him by Republicans because Democrats will not get anywhere near his diseased carcass - but his sense of right and wrong is also completely out of whack. Regardless of what happens next month Lieberman will try to martyr himself, but he will never be anything more than a petty Judas.