However, if Kos, who likely is now making a decent living from his blogging activities due to ad revenues, is suddenly becoming the pragmatist rather than the idealist — funny how money can do that! — how long can he retain such a following of folks who appear unwilling to accept a political status quo? After all, these are the Deaniacs. These people eschew the political expedience they see in politicians like Hillary Clinton. Are they going to sit idly by as their leader exhibits similarly deplorable traits? Hardly. (Democratic National Committee Chairman) Howard Dean making a statement to the press that doesn't disparage President Bush or a member of his administration is more likely.
The entire piece, though entirely unintentionally, is very funny, but I think the following quote from the lead paragraph gives a lot of insight into how this author - and many conservatarians - think:
After receiving some extremely negative press from major publications such as The New York Times, The New Republic and Newsweek immediately following his seemingly successful bloggers' convention in Las Vegas, Kos is now faced with an even greater challenge: dissension within his ranks.
The author of this online column - dare I call it an online post? which would imply a blog? hhmmmmm????? - does not understand the dynamic of the left blogfeverswamp - being that we are not hierarchical, do not take marching orders, Markos' prestige comes from his being a facilitator, not a demagogue, and we frequently and openly disagree with each other, although these disagreements usually do not turn personal or ugly, because the blogs are powered by people and every person is a leader - and instead compensates by projecting his own views of what form any sort of organization or structure should take.
The conservatarian - or more accurately, Bush supporter - mindset is that we must be ruled by a strong, infallible leader, and anyone who disagrees with that leader is a traitorous enemy who should be executed for treason. I should not need to point out how at odds this is with democracy and freedom, and how closely aligned these Bushites are to dictatorial rule. To throw hypocrisy into the pot, it is not just any leader or president - see Clinton - who they will blindly follow like lemmings, but only one they have chosen. Glenn Greenwald has written a lot about this mentality, and I think it is important to know what we are really up against. What they see as an insurmountable challenge we welcome with open arms. You tell me which value set is more aligned with freedom.
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