Thursday, March 15, 2007

Department of Lessons Not Learned

Apparently the White House's Department of Lessons Learned - yes, it really exists and is funded on your dime - is not doing its job well. Shocking.

Becaue the 2006 hurricane season was mild, the new pumps were never put to the
The Corps and the politically connected manufacturer of the equipment, Moving Water Industries Corp. of Deerfield Beach, Fla., are still struggling to get the 34 pumps, designed and built under a $26.6 million contract, working properly.
The pumps have been plagued by excessive vibration, overheated engines, broken hoses and blown gaskets.
"You want to build confidence, but you have to tell it like it is," said Gwen Bierria, 65, who is rebuilding her home with her husband next to the London Avenue canal, one of two canals that were breached during Katrina and flooded vast sections of the city.

I lied. It is not shocking at all. It is conservatism at work - let people fend for themselves against problems that non-rich and white cannot solve alone. Bush once said he was a fan of John Locke. Assuming he read Locke - oops, laughed so hard I almost choked on a Cheetoe (tm) - it was probably because of Locke's vigorous defense of private property - also non-rich and white people to Bush - but he seems to have forgotten about Locke's vision of a social contract, where citizens give up some rights in return for others. I am not sure how this translates into a conservative worldview, but in a progressive one it means I am more than willing to pay higher taxes to make sure that a disaster like Katrina - I am not referring to the hurricane - never happens again.

The rejoinder to Locke's contract was that if violated it was permissible to break it. We are far past that point with this Republican administration. Conservatives and Republicans love to run around shrieking about the rule of law... as long as it does not apply to them. When that happens they are always curiously mum. It is time we upheld our convictions about our end of the contract. Impeach.

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