Thursday, May 31, 2007

To the Courts in 180 Days


The top legal executive for General Electric Co.'s transportation unit sued the company for gender discrimination Thursday, saying she has been paid less than male counterparts and was denied a promotion because she is female.
Lorene F. Schaefer, a 13-year GE veteran who has served as the transportation unit's general counsel since May 2005, also contends gender discrimination at the Connecticut conglomerate is widespread, and her lawsuit has been filed as a purported class action.

I wonder if this will make to all the way to the Supreme Court, which just threw out a gender pay-discrimination case on grounds of standing of the techinicality that such a case had to be brought within 180 days or the statute expired, an opinion that justice Ginsburg sliced to ribbons. Maybe the Roberts court can now issue an opinion, penned by justice Kennedy, that women should not have a say in what they get paid because it involves things beyond their understanding and they may come to regret it some day.

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