Friday, December 07, 2007

Huckabee Is Creepy


Huckabee on his recent rise in the polls:

There is only one explanation for it, and it is not a human one.

Well, if you want to argue that America's Playa isn't human, then sure, Giuliani's criminal expensing of his adultery to the taxpayers would, in fact, be a non-human explanation for Huckabee's rise. But that's not what Huckabee means. He means that God has apparently chosen him out of the entire field of presidential candidates to be the next president of the United States.

Which leads to the obviousquestion: If Huckabee's god has chosen him as his favored candidate, will that mean that this god isn't "all powerful" when Huckabee crashes and burns? Or like Peter Waldman puts it:

[I]s Huckabee just saying that God is giving him a temporary bump in the polls, only to send his campaign crashing down later, in order to demonstrate to His earthly subjects the danger of hubris and the importance of early fundraising?

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