Friday, August 29, 2008

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Avoiding a Lieberman Disaster

Says Bob Novak!

Reports of strong support within John McCain's presidential campaign for Independent Democratic Sen. Joseph Lieberman as the Republican candidate for vice president are not a fairy tale. Influential McCain backers, plus McCain himself, would pick the pro-choice liberal from Connecticut if they thought they could get away with it.

But they can't get away with it -- and this has been made clear to McCain by none other than Joe Lieberman himself.

Joe is stupid and ugly and nobody likes him.

I Can Has Red Meet?


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Billmon Lives!

Been a while.


Oh yeah, that war:

A suicide bomber wearing an explosive vest blew himself up in a crowd of Iraqi police recruits on Tuesday, killing 28 people and wounding 45, police said.
Timeline me.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Oh yeah... oh yeah... that war.

U.S.-led coalition forces killed 76 Afghan civilians in western Afghanistan on Friday, most of them children, the Interior Ministry said.
We're still there? I never would have guessed.

Harper's Index tells me that there were 300 total minutes of network TV coverage devoted to the war in Iraq in 1H08, down from 1,229 in 1H07. I can only imagine how abysmally low Afghanistan ranks, but don't forget, we're fighting there too.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

McCain's Cribz

Josh is angry:

I will not stand by and watch the Obama camp try to claim McCain owns seven homes when he owns at least ten.
Get on it rabid left! Seven houses is not damning enough! It's only middle class!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lieberman to Speak at Republican Convention

Pickler got it right yesterday:

A Republican official tells The Associated Press that Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman will be speaking at the Republican National Convention.

The GOP official said Wednesday that Lieberman would deliver a speech as Republicans gathered in St. Paul to nominate John McCain for president. The official requested anonymity because a formal announcement had yet to been made.
I was going to award him Zell Miller status but since he's no longer a Dem he doesn't qualify. He's just sad and all alone.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Was McCain Tortured?

This is brutal, but them's the rules according to Bush and McCain:

In all the discussion of John McCain's recently recovered memory of a religious epiphany in Vietnam, one thing has been missing. The torture that was deployed against McCain emerges in all the various accounts. It involved sleep deprivation, the withholding of medical treatment, stress positions, long-time standing, and beating. Sound familiar?

According to the Bush administration's definition of torture, McCain was therefore not tortured.


Now the kicker: in the Military Commissions Act, McCain acquiesced to the use of these techniques against terror suspects by the CIA. And so the tortured became the enabler of torture. Someone somewhere cried out in pain for the same reasons McCain once did. And McCain let it continue.

I linked to Sully!

Joe Lieberman, 2000 Vice Presidential

His top contenders are said to include Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Less traditional choices mentioned include former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge, an abortion-rights supporter, and Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, the Democratic vice presidential prick in 2000 who now is an independent.

Monday, August 18, 2008

McCain Doesn't Like to Talk About Being a P.O.W.

And 500 other falsehoods propagated by his enablers in the media:

"The insinuation from the Obama campaign that John McCain, a former prisoner of war, cheated is outrageous," Ms. Wallace said.
Sounds like a non-denial denial to me.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

AR Democratic Party Chair Murdered

Bill Gwatney, the chairman of the Arkansas Democratic Party, died after being shot in his office in Little Rock on Wednesday, police officials said. The suspect was later shot by the police and died of his wounds.

Condolences to his friends and family. This is horrible.


Got to go.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Prosecuting Criminals

By criminals:

Attorney General Michael Mukasey on Tuesday said former Justice Department officials will not face prosecution for letting improper political considerations drive hirings of prosecutors, immigration judges and other career government lawyers.

Mukasey used his sharpest words yet to criticize the senior leaders who took part in or failed to stop illegal hiring practices during the tenure of his predecessor, Alberto Gonzales.

But, he told delegates to the American Bar Association annual meeting, "not every wrong, or even every violation of the law, is a crime. In this instance, the two joint reports found only violations of the civil service laws."

Nothing like a good old-fashioned independent AG.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Oink Oink

The Homeland Security Department swept aside evaluations of government experts and named Mississippi - home to powerful U.S. lawmakers with sway over the agency - as a top location for a new $451 million, national laboratory to study some of the world's most virulent biological threats, according to internal documents obtained by The Associated Press.

Mississippi's lawmakers include the Democratic chairman of the department's oversight committee in the House and the senior Republican on the Senate Appropriations Committee, which is expected to approve money to build the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility at one of five sites being considered. The two lawmakers said they were unaware of the Homeland Security evaluation system that scored the Mississippi site so low.

All about the benjamins. Always has been.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Obama Vindicated on Tire Pressure

Silly kerfluffle:

Our friends at Politifact have also looked into Sen. Barack Obama's claim about tire inflation and found it to be true -- not merely that car tune-ups and proper tire inflation will save millions of barrels of oil per year, but that it will save more energy than new off shore drilling would yield.

No one knows for sure, of course, which may be one of the reasons why our experts disagreed with Obama's claim that this conservation method would save more energy than new off shore drilling would yield.

But the salient point is that such measures are serious. Why the Republicans are mocking them at a time of energy crisis seems bizarre.

We're also reminded of this news from 1990:

"The Washington Times, September 14, 1990...The Bush administration yesterday launched an advertising blitz telling Americans they could fight oil shortages and high gas prices by conserving, while advising Congress there is no sign of price gouging by the oil industry and that gas prices are 'not unreasonable.' The slogan for the yearlong campaign, 'Do Your Part, Drive Smart,' tells consumers they can save more than 7 million gallons of gasoline a day if they keep their tires properly inflated, drive slower and join car pools.

Good luck trying to get anything fact based to stick with the Republicans. Especially principled John McCain.