Monday, April 30, 2007

E. Coli Conservatives


Months after dogs and cats started dropping dead of renal failure from melamine-tainted pet food, American consumers are beginning to learn how long and how wide this contaminant has also poisoned the human food supply. Last week, as California officials revealed that at least 45 people are known to have eaten tainted pork, the USDA announced that it would pay farmers millions of dollars to destroy and dispose of thousands of hogs fed “salvaged” pet food. But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Through the salvaging practice, melamine-tainted pet food has likely contaminated America’s livestock for as long as it has been killing and sickening America’s pets — as far back as August of 2006, or even earlier. And while it may seem alarmist to suggest without absolute proof that Americans have been eating melamine-tainted pork, chicken and farm-raised fish for the better part of a year, the FDA and USDA seem to be preparing to brace Americans for the worst. In an unusual, Saturday afternoon joint press release, the regulators tasked with protecting the safety of our nation’s food supply go to convoluted lengths to reassure the public that eating melamine-tainted pork is perfectly safe.

Rick Perlstein:

"Attorney Randall Hood of Rock Hill and 15 other attorneys were inspecting a ConAgra foods plant in Slyvaester, Ga., in April when they found the dead rat, bird fathers inside the plant, roaches on raw peanuts and other things 'consistent with salmonella contamination,' according to a court document."

Their con game is coming apart at the seams. The problem is that before it could happen, people had to suffer. Those who don't study... etc.

Saturday, April 28, 2007


Is there any part of the Bush administration that is not tainted by corruption?

Randall Tobias, head of the Bush administration's foreign aid programs, abruptly resigned Friday after his name surfaced in an investigation into a high-priced call-girl ring, said two people in a position to know the circumstances of his departure.
Apparently not.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Domestic Terrorism


A package found Wednesday in the parking lot of a South Austin women's clinic
that performs abortions contained a bomb that could have seriously injured or
killed people had it not been spotted by a clinic employee, officials said

Sorry, David Broder, the left and the right are not the same. Let us get something straight right now. The enemy, inasmuch as one exists, are people who commit acts based on their faith that have no grounding in reality. They ignore the universal principle of the Golden Rule and act towards people without empathy. These people, irrespective of their race, creed or country, must be stopped.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

High Noon

Like a Western, just the way Bush likes it:

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Thursday she has already answered the
questions she has been subpoenaed to answer before a congressional committee and
suggested she is not inclined to comply with the order.

The idea that anyone is not required to comply with a congressional subpoena is ridiculous. See the Clinton investigations if you do not believe me. If Condi wants to ignore the law and force a showdown with Congress she is well on her way. Too bad for her it will be one she cannot win.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Knock Knock

Who's there?

Stool pigeon.

Stool pigeon who?

Monica Goodling.

The House Judiciary Committee voted moments ago to grant immunity to Monica Goodling — former counsel to Alberto Gonzales and the Justice Department’s liaison to the White House — and issue a subpoena compelling her to testify. Yesterday, fired U.S. Attorney David Iglesias said he believes that Goodling holds the “keys to the kingdom” in terms of uncovering the roots of the U.S. Attorney purge

Even with Bush's support, Gonzales cannot last much longer.

Another One Bites the Dust

Thanks, Karl!

The prosecutor, Paul Charlton, was one of the eight prosecutors fired by the Justice Department over the winter.
Brian Murray, Renzi's top aide, issued a statement late Tuesday acknowledging that shortly after the local media reported that the congressmen was being investigated, he called Charlton spokesman Wyn Hornbuckle.

Rotten to the core. By the by, the guy investigating Karl Rove is also under investigation, so do not expect much out of that one.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Frog March

About time.

But the Office of Special Counsel is preparing to jump into one of the most sensitive and potentially explosive issues in Washington, launching a broad investigation into key elements of the White House political operations that for more than six years have been headed by chief strategist Karl Rove.


Lizard Brains

Never admit you were wrong, never admit defeat, never let go of power and never stop trying to get more.

World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz has hired a high-profile lawyer who hopes to
present to a special bank committee Wolfowitz's case that he was not unethical
in directing a promotion for his girlfriend.


He said Wolfowitz would not resign and said he had not been hired to negotiate a
termination agreement for the embattled bank president, the former U.S. deputy
defense secretary and architect of the invasion of Iraq.

Talk about a pattern.


Monday, April 23, 2007

E. Coli Conservatives

They just do not know when to stop.

Ground beef patties were recalled in five states after at least three children in California were sickened by E.coli. The company that distributed the hamburger patties is blaming the contamination on the slaughterhouse that processed the meat.
The recall was issued Friday for about 100,000 pounds of frozen patties produced by Richwood Meat Co. from April to May 2006 and distributed in California, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and Washington.

Shove it, Bushie. Some CEO's padded salary is not worth more than the safety and health of our neighbors.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

What Time Is It?

It's ghetto time!

American military commanders in Baghdad are trying a radical new strategy to quell the widening sectarian violence by building a 12-foot-high, three-mile-long wall separating a historic Sunni enclave from Shiite neighborhoods.
In other words, the American military is building a wall to physically separate a despised minority from their neighbors in order to protect them. And vice versa.

But let's not infer the worst here. After all, history teaches us that sealing off ghettos does reduce violence. That's simply an indisputable fact. For example, attacks against Sunni Jews declined markedly and rapidly under the Nazis. Had they not built walls around the ghettos, which enabled an entire Jewish population of a given city to be quickly rounded up and sent off to the camps, attacks on Jews would have gone on for much, much longer.
Seriously. This is so obvious that only a complete idiot would...

...never mind.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Bush's Brain

Glenn Greenwald nails it:

In Bush's mind, the greatest sin is admitting error, or capitulating in any way to the Enemy. Firing Gonzales because Chuck Schumer demands it or because editorialists insist that there was wrongdoing here is exactly the opposite of how Bush behaves.

Same goes for Iraq, global warming or anything else Bush touches.

We are ruled by children.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Right to Whose Life?


Late term abortions are performed for maternal health reasons, full stop. Sometimes it’s a fetal health issue, that it’s dead or will die as soon as it’s born, but in the end, it’s still about not forcing a woman to go through labor and delivery, which are dangerous, for no reason. And sometimes they are performed because the mother will die, be crippled, or have serious mental health problems if she delivers. The concept of “choice” isn’t really part of this discussion so much. This is about the concept that women deserve to be treated as full human beings who deserve proper medical care despite their current situation of being in a state only women can be in. That is what was on trial and the answer is no.

It’s a strike at the concept that women have independent value. If you reduce a woman to a baby factory, then one who needs a late term abortion is malfunctioning in her purpose somehow, so if she dies, she’s scrap metal, I suppose. Or scrap blood and tissue, as it were. I hate to be blunt like this, but there it is. They skipped over the preliminaries about what kind of rights women should have and attacked the idea that our very existence and health matters if we’ve failed in our duties as fetal incubators.

This is about treating women unequally and making them subservient to others and damn the cost that they may bear. Our fight is for the living, breathing and feeling women in this world, not the imaginary fetus soul.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Worst Idea Ever

Way to work your way into irrelevancy:

"An Inconvenient Truth . . . or Convenient Fiction"
Sorting out Sense from Nonsense on Global Warming


Dr. Steven Hayward, author of the Index of Leading Environmental Indicators, Senior Fellow at the Pacific Research Institute, F.K. Weyerhaeuser Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and adjunct Professor of Political Science at Georgetown University, sorts out thesense from the nonsense in this no nonsense documentary about thescientific trends in climate change and their effects on our planet.

I am sure there is no need to mention who else gives oil barrel loads of money to the AEI.

Plus, it is screening at the Tribeca Film Festival. They had better be ready to get out of Dodge.

Justice(s) Matter

Wingnuts in robes:

The U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5-4 ruling written by swing vote Justice Anthony Kennedy, upheld a federal ban on late-term abortion procedures.

It was the first time the court banned a specific procedure in a case over how -- not whether -- to perform an abortion. The decision reverses lower court rulings that had held the federal law was unconstitutional because it lacked a health exception for the mother, as required by earlier Supreme Court precedents. Congress approved the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban in 2003, placing new federal restrictions on some late-term abortion procedures.

Not Kennedy, mind you, but our new hacktacular Justices along with the old ones.

I thought we stopped telling people what they could and could not do with their bodies when we got rid of slavery...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Your GOP

Always corrupt from head to toe.

The Pentagon ordered a U.S. contractor to hire a World Bank employee and girlfriend of then-Pentagon No. 2 Paul Wolfowitz in 2003 for work related to Iraq, the contractor said on Tuesday.

A spokeswoman for Science Applications International Corp., or SAIC, said the Defense Department's policy office directed the company to enter a subcontract with Shaha Riza, under which she spent a month studying ways to form a government in Iraq.

Do it on your own dime, buddy.

Monday, April 16, 2007

He's Mad As Hell and He Isn't Going to Take It Anymore

Lee Iacocca.

Am I the only guy in this country who's fed up with what's happening? Where the hell is our outrage? We should be screaming bloody murder. We've got a gang of clueless bozos steering our ship of state right over a cliff, we've got corporate gangsters stealing us blind, and we can't even clean up after a hurricane much less build a hybrid car. But instead of getting mad, everyone sits around and nods their heads when the politicians say, "Stay the course."

Stay the course? You've got to be kidding. This is America, not the damned Titanic. I'll give you a sound bite: Throw the bums out!

Media Elites


it's clear that they are unable to distinguish (or pretending to be) between racy humor and racist humor, between jokes about sex and sexism, picking on powerful public figures versus picking on powerless private ones, etc. I can never tell if this obtuseness is genuine, or cultivated, but either way it's their story and they're going to stick to it.

Sounds pretty definitive to me.


Looks like we passed one:

Radical Shia leader Muqtada al-Sadr has ordered six cabinet members affiliated with his movement to quit the government, the head of the Sadrists’ parliamentary bloc said on Monday.

In some ways, the move may be a blessing for Nouri al-Maliki, prime minister, who had hoped to oust Sadrist ministers believed to have connections with militias.

However, the en masse withdrawal may also be an ominous indication that the movement, which staged a large-scale insurrection in 2004, may be losing its appetite for participation in peaceful politics.

By any measure of benchmarking, we can now all agree that the Iraqi government has no actual power and Iraq is FUBAR.

Can we go home now?

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Joe will let nothing get in his way once he has bent over and is ready to take it.

And I say to them if you are genuinely against the war, then you ought to be fighting to cut the funding off instead of entering into a kind of harassment that’s involved now.

Don't be talking crap about my main man Bush!


John McCain.


World Wide Conservamatism

Paul Wolfowitz.

World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz said on Thursday he made "a mistake for which I am sorry" over his handling of the promotion and pay increase of a staff member, Shaha Riza, whom he is dating.

Good gravy, can we at least keep our problems to ourselves and not foist them on the world?

For the record, Wolfowitz is a "Good Bushie."


Oh yeah, that war.

An explosion rocked the building which houses the Iraqi parliament inside
Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone, a US military spokesman confirmed.

But according to John McCain, a market in Baghdad is as safe as one in Indiana and there is much reason to remain optimistic about the situation in Iraq. Just give it another six months, we will make more progress. Joe Lieberman also agrees that there is reason to be optimistic. We have a plan, and yes, it is a good plan.

Can we please cut the crap already? How many more people need to die because these children cannot admit that they have been wrong about everything all the time.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The World's Stupidest Pundit

Still Richard Cohen.


John McCain.

"It is the right road. It is necessary and just," the Arizona Republican said in excerpts of remarks prepared for delivery Wednesday at the Virginia Military Institute.

"Democrats, who deny our soldiers the means to prevent an American defeat, have chosen another road. It may appear to be the easier course of action but it is a much more reckless one," McCain said as Democrats, who control Congress, continued their standoff with Bush over war funding and a withdrawal timetable.

Sorry buddy, this is a Republican war now, not an American one, and the only defeat will be a Republican one. The public voted for us to leave; they have finally had it with your lies and shennanigans. Stop trying to project your weakness and filth onto others.

Of course there's still this:

While there, McCain said he was cautiously optimistic about security improvements in Baghdad even as he toured the capital under heavy military guard. Some Iraqis mocked his characterization as too rosy, and he faced criticism at home of being out of touch with reality.

Just like this.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Lost in Translation

Stem Cells.

President Bush will again veto a bill to subsidize stem cell research using human embryos, but would sign an alternative that permits public funding for studies on embryos incapable of developing into fetuses, the White House said Tuesday.

Both bills are moving toward a Senate vote this week with a debate over a budding science that some researchers say could cure diseases that afflict millions of people.

The bill Bush opposes, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., would lift the president's 2001 ban on federal funding for any new embryonic stem cell studies.

What does this mean? Permits funding for studies on embryos incapable of developing into fetuses? Either you take the stance that all embryos have fetus potential, or they do not. If you say they will be used for stem cell research, by default they become incapable of developing into fetuses. If you say they have souls and could be impregnated in a woman, then they can develop into fetuses.

There is a lot of politics to read into this, but I think the simplest and probably correct answer is to conclude that Bush has no clue what he is doing and no matter what wants to attack Democrats.

Condi Caught Cutting Class

Principal Waxman is not amused.

On March 12, 2007, I wrote to you on behalf of the Committee to request answers to multiple letters that I had sent to you over the past four years. I requested a response by March 23, 2007, but I received no reply by that date. As a result, on March 30, 2007, I sent a letter notifying you that the Committee will be holding a hearing on April 18, 2007, and I requested that you make yourself available to provide testimony and respond to questions about the issues raised in the March 12 letter.


the Committee will not withdraw the invitation for you to testify on April 18, 2007.

Smells like a hot cup o' oversight!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Evil Ponyland

Joe Lieberman:

I respectfully and strongly disagree with Arlen Specter and with Nancy Pelosi. I
believe her visit to Syria was a mistake, that it was bad for the United States
of America and good for the Syrians. And I say this because we’re in a war.
We’re in a war against the Islamic terrorists who attacked us on 9-11-01. Syria
is a state sponsor of terrorism.


And, of course, the continuing dishonest excuse and tie of 9/11 to everything Bush does. Way to keep repeating Republican talking points, Joe. It helps us remember why you are not a Democrat.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


John McCain:

“Of course I am going to misspeak and I’ve done it on numerous occasions and I probably will do it in the future,” says McCain. “I regret that when I divert attention to something I said from my message, but you know, that’s just life,” he tells Pelley, adding, “I’m happy, frankly, with the way I operate, otherwise it would be a lot less fun.”

Sure, John, your consistent lying about a failed war that causes more of our troops to be killed instead of accurately characterizing the situation, which would help get our sons and daughters home sooner, is fun and that's just life and you are happy with it because "otherwise it would be a lot less fun."

John McCain, Jerk-Off.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Easter/Passover/Spring Festival Reading

An argument on faith between Sam Harris and Rick Warren. My favorite bit:

Well, I don't think that the religious books are the source. We go to the Bible and we are the judge of what is good. We see the golden rule as the great distillation of ethical impulses, but the golden rule is not unique to the Bible or to Jesus; you see it in many, many cultures—and you see some form of it among nonhuman primates. I'm not at all a moral relativist. I think it's quite common among religious people to believe that atheism entails moral relativism. I think there is an absolute right and wrong. I think honor killing, for example, is unambiguously wrong—you can use the word evil. A society that kills women and girls for sexual indiscretion, even the indiscretion of being raped, is a society that has killed compassion, that has failed to teach men to value women and has eradicated empathy. Empathy and compassion are our most basic moral impulses, and we can even teach the golden rule without lying to ourselves or our children about the origin of certain books or the virgin birth of certain people.

There is a lot of wisdom in that paragraph, some of which relates to politics. Empathy is the most important value anyone can have and on many levels the golden rule is a reflection of that value. We should all take the time to reflect on our actions as they measure up to these values. Similarly, other people can also be evaluated in this regard. People who have no empathy should be vilified and cast down.

In a way politics is how we try to work out our differences and live together. Policy and law are derived from those imperatives and therefore should be imbued with empathy. To do otherwise would be wrong.

A large part of my dislike for the Bush administration and its conservative cohorts in Congress is engendered by their lack of empathy, which harms many people. These people are psychopaths and must be stopped.

O'Reilly Meltdown

Wow. Geraldo's on the side of reason.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Pony Plans


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

OK Go!


John McCain is 70, Rudy Giuliani has been married three times and Mitt Romney is
Mormon -- not a problem for being president, Vice President Dick Cheney says.

I would like to thank Dick Cheney for unshackling the right's lip service to values. Now that Biggus has given all of them his benediction, Pat Buchanan et al. will not have to waste any more time talking about family and Christian values.

We can still expect the female, halfrican and trial lawyer to be fair game though.

Big Brother Is Watching You

The Almighty Wal-Mart:

Gabbard said he recorded the calls because he felt pressured to stop
embarrassing leaks. But he said his spying activities were sanctioned by
Gabbard said that as part of the surveillance, the retailer
infiltrated an anti-Wal-Mart group to determine if it planned protests at the
company's annual meeting last year and deployed monitoring systems to record the
actions of anyone connected to its global computer network.

"This group is no longer operating in the same manner that it did prior to
the discovery of the unauthorized recording of telephone conversations. There
have been changes in leadership, and we have strengthened our practices and
protocols in this area," the company said in a statement.
Wal-Mart has since
disconnected some systems and an internal investigation of the group's
activities was launched earlier this year, the paper said citing an executive in
the security-information industry.

But they have now turned over a new leaf, right?

Wal-Mart has always had strict limits on what its employees can do while at
work. Store employees are prohibited from using personal cell phones on the job.
And managers receive a list of email addresses and phone numbers their employees
have used as well as a list of Web sites visited, the paper said citing current
and former employees.

All in the name of shareholder value. Hah.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Get Your Global Warming On


The 2007 Atlantic hurricane season will be far more active than usual with an expected 17 tropical storms, of which nine will strengthen into hurricanes, a noted forecasting team founded by Dr. William Gray said on Tuesday.

In an updated outlook for the June 1-November 30 season, the Colorado State University team led by hurricane forecast pioneer Gray and Philip Klotzbach raised the number of expected storms and hurricanes from the 14 and seven, respectively, that it had predicted in December.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Why Does the Right Wing Hate Chocolate?

What Digby said.

Know Nothing, Do Nothing

The Bush Administration.

In a defeat for the Bush administration, the Supreme Court ruled on Monday that a U.S. government agency has the power under the clean air law to regulate greenhouse gas emissions that spur global warming.

The nation's highest court by a 5-4 vote said the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "has offered no reasoned explanation" for its refusal to regulate carbon dioxide and other emissions from new cars and trucks that contribute to climate change.

Yet another example of conservatives claiming the inability to act when it best suits them. The reason conservatives hate government is because a government that acts in the public's interest will usually clash with conservatives' interests, which represent a very small number of people. These people, however, control an enormous amount of wealth and power and it is only government, therefore, that can provide us with checks and balances on this aristocracy.


Oh yeah, that war.

Six U.S. soldiers were killed in roadside bombings southwest of Baghdad over the weekend, marking one of the deadliest periods for American troops since a new security crackdown was launched in the Iraqi capital.

The U.S. military said in a statement on Sunday that two soldiers were killed by an explosion during a patrol on Saturday. Four more were killed when another roadside bomb detonated on Sunday near a unit responding to the first attack.

Remember this?

[3/29/07] Since taking command, Gen. Petraeus has been true to his word. The result? Sectarian violence is down in Baghdad. The radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has fled. The Mahdi Army, which terrorized Baghdad last year, appears to be splintering. And the Iraqi government — its spine stiffened thanks to our renewed support — is taking the critical steps for political reconciliation.

-Joe Lieberman, a Very Serious Person.