Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Bush Says Black is White

Another recurring problem with our establishment media. They let Bush get away with saying whatever he chooses to, without qualifying it or doing any real reporting. He could say that night is day, and they would report it as such. For example:

The problems that have plagued Medicare's prescription drug program since its rollout 10 weeks ago are being addressed, and the initiative is already showing signs of lowering drug costs for seniors, President Bush said Tuesday.

Uh, no. Did the Washington Post bother to interview any seniors to see how they've been screwed by Part D - and never mind that the real screw job is not going to kick in until seniors reach the donut hole - the part where they will not be covered until they spend thousands more out of their own pocket - and get some quotes? No. This just demonstrates laziness on the paper's part, for just a little research will show that there's something rotten with the new bill. Instead we get the following title: "Medicare Drug Benefit Works, Says Bush."

Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Bush played guitar while New Orleans was swept away. Now he does PR gigs while senior citizens are unable to pay for their medications. Great resume if you are applying for the job of complete fucking asshole.

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