Monday, March 13, 2006

Feingold to Censure Bush

Another reason to like Russ. Because he speaks the truth clearly and is not afraid of craven politicians and consultants. He's going to introduce a motion to censure the President for his illegal domestic spying.

The facts and the case for censure are clear. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, makes it a crime to wiretap American citizens without a court warrant - which is what the President has admitted doing. Before the program was revealed, he also misled Congress and the American people about the wiretapping that was being done. For example, at a 2004 speech in Buffalo, he said, "Any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires, a wiretap requires a court order." And at a 2004 speech in my home state of Wisconsin, he said that "the government can't move on wiretaps or roving wiretaps without getting a court order."

Go Russ!

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