Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Elite Wisdom

Kate Phillips:

We promised no predictions, but Mr. Lamont has pretty much proven he was a
one-issue wonder, and despite the anti-war sentiment here and in other places,
we’d suggest Democratic party leaders figure out how to welcome Mr. Lieberman
back into the fold. (If only so Vice President Dick Cheney will stop using the
party’s shunning of Mr. Lieberman as encouragement for Al Qaeda-minded

This is what passes for liberal media? If so, Bill O'Reilly's found himself his new best friend forever (much like Dick Cheney has found Joe Lieberman).

First of all, if the author of this article spent two minutes outside of the DC buzz and on the ground in CT, she would realize her claim that Ned Lamont is a "one-issue wonder" is a load of crap. Ned is strong on healthcare, net neutrality, job creation, social security, taxes and a whole host of issues that are important to voters in CT.

Second, "Democratic party leaders [should] figure out how to welcome Mr. Lieberman back into the fold"? What kind of bullshit is this?! The CT Democratic party explicitly kicked Lieberman's sorry, Bush-kissing - no pun intended - ass out of the Democratic party because he does not qualify as a Democrat. But to the NYT, the will of the people does not really matter because what powerful people in DC do is where it is at. The fact that the Congressional Democratic leadership did not immediately dig in behind Lamont, and have continued to court Lieberman even while he has campaigned Republicans shows a blatant disregard for the will of their base and is disgusting.

Third, Phillips' little parenthetical aside proves that she understands nothing about how politics work. Cheney will use any opposition to any plan - be it energy, social security, or habeas corpus - to bludgeon Democrats to death by calling them Al Qaeda lovers. If Phillips understood this she would then realize there are two options: 1. The Democrats cease to be a party and become absorbed into the Republican machine, or 2. The Democrats get rid of slimy sycophants like Lieberman, who aid and abet the people who are hell-bent on destroying this country, like Dick Cheney, and stand up for a better America. Phillips, however, would rather see the same cast stay on for the next season, even as their ratings plummet.

Progressives suggest that the NYT fire Kate Phillips so we could welcome them back into the progressive fold. If only so we have a shot at option 2 above, instead of inevitably slipping into option 1.

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