Wednesday, November 01, 2006

No Soldier Left Behind


Mr. Maliki’s public declaration seemed at first to catch American commanders off
guard. But by nightfall, American troops had abandoned all the positions in
eastern and central Baghdad that they had set up last week with Iraqi forces as
part of a search for a missing American soldier. The checkpoints had snarled
traffic and disrupted daily life and commerce throughout the eastern part of the

Not that I agree with the strategy - I vehemently oppose it - , but even Israel stands for something more than we do. Bush hates our troops. He has publicly stated that he will honor their sacrifices by sacrificing even more of them. He uses them like a king would, as political props and cannon fodder. He does not realize that in America every man and woman is equal, and he cannot abuse the people's trust in this manner.

That's your Republican party for you, stabbing our soldiers in the back to save their political fronts.

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