Sunday, February 11, 2007

Alright Already!

Top 5 stories on my Google Reader (mostly world and business news):

  1. Newsweek Cover: The Hidden War with Iran
  2. U.S. Led Forces show evidence of Iranian arms in Iraq
  3. Iran wants to stay within nuclear rules
  4. Accord proves elusive at North Korea talks
  5. U.S. officer: Iran sends Iraq bomb parts

Haven't we had enough of this already? Does it not bother anyone in the media that we are almost exactly repeating the same events of 5 years ago? Back then the news items would have read:

  1. Newsweek Cover: Saddam daring U.N. for war
  2. Investigators show evidence of biological weapons trailer factories
  3. Iraq reconstituting WMD programs and centrifuges, trying to obtain uranium
  4. Accord proves elusive at North Korea talks
  5. U.S. officer: Iraq aiding Al Qaeda

Aside from the fact that point 4 is exactly the same - way to actually solve any problems, Bushie! - has no one in a position of authority picked up on what's happening? The focus should be on how the government is recycling the same old false Iraq propaganda with the Q crossed out and the N sloppily pasted on over it. Get with the program.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

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