Thursday, February 22, 2007


Dick Cheney:

I think, in fact, if we were to do what Speaker Pelosi and Congressman Murtha
are suggesting, all we'll do is validate the al Qaeda strategy. The al Qaeda
strategy is to break the will of the American people -- in fact, knowing they
can't win in a stand-up fight, try to persuade us to throw in the towel and come
home, and then they win because we quit.

Democrats = Al Qaeda supporters. Hooray. I guess even as long as you give money to Republicans you can get out of that category, but support a Democrat and you're screwed. Couple points:

  1. This isn't some wingnut 101st fighting keyboarder, this is the vice president of the United States. It is vile and disingenuous for him to characterize the opposition in such a manner
  2. I never want to hear anyone on the right complain about the left's lack of civility. We've seen them shed these crocodile tears for decades while they simultaneously make us out to be terrorist sympathizers. That they even have the faux self righteous indignation to call us intemperate if we ever call them on it speaks to how craven and contrived they are
  3. [Again,] where's the press? If someone on the left made this kind of comment that person would be hounded and news stories would run night and day about how awful and damning that comment was - see Kerry's troop gaffe, which, even if he fumbled the joke, still got his point across - and there would be incredible pressure for that person to resign. Similar pressure on the right? Never

Something that may be even more damning for our prospects in Iraq is what Cheney revelation of how he thinks about strategy. He knows they can't win in a stand up fight, and they know they can't win in a stand up fight, so they won't fight us in a stand up fight. Therefore, why does Cheney continue to think we can win on our terms when they won't fight us on them? It's like a football coach who can only guarantee a win provided the other team just stands around and doesn't do anything. If heaven forbid they do, then it's their fault for not playing fairly. Well. Please excuse my intemperance, but no wonder this entire thing* has been one colossal clusterfuck from the start.

*the Bush administration

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