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The U.S. military commander in Iraq stepped up accusations over the weekend that Iran was inciting violence there and said Tehran's ambassador to Baghdad was a member of the Revolutionary Guards Qods force.Since allowing himself to become a mouthpiece for the Bush administration, Petraeus has lost all credibility. Prior scaremongering tactics about Iranian intervention has already been debunked; similarly, a skeptical eye should be turned towards this. If Petraeus is worried about where militia groups got a hold of advanced weaponry, he might want to spend some time pondering about the huge U.S. weapons stores that magically disappeared, like magical September.
General David Petraeus, speaking at a U.S. military base about 30 km (20 miles) from the Iranian border on Saturday, said Iran was giving militia groups advanced weaponry and guidance.
"They are responsible for providing the weapons, the training, the funding and in some cases the direction for operations that have indeed killed U.S. soldiers," Petraeus told a group of reporters when asked if the Iranian government was responsible for killing U.S. troops.
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