Thursday, October 11, 2007


John McCain:

Republican presidential candidate John McCain outlined a proposal on Thursday to revamp the U.S. health care system by providing Americans with a refundable $2,500 tax credit as an incentive to buy insurance.
What world is he living in where $2,500 a year is enough to provide you with health coverage? Is he out of his mind? If you're lucky that can cover you for a few months at most. All these "voluntary" programs do is ensure that people opt out, which leads to 1. premiums rising because of the greater risk inherent in a smaller coverage universe, and 2. more expensive emergency care because of less reliance on cheaper preventative care.

If he's trying to play to the frothing-at-the-mouth free market fundamentalists who run the party, he's got it all wrong. If that was the case his plan should be: cut taxes, give you more money to pay for health insurance.

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