Monday, March 20, 2006

Pundit vs. Pundit


For some liberal pundits, it's payback time.
For some conservative commentators, it's time for uncomfortable explanations.
For the rest of us, it's the best show in town.

Fantastic, except that Kurtz somehow lost me when he decided to style himself as "the rest of us," meaning that he is somewhere in between left and right, and that somehow distances him from the uncomfortable explanations certain pundits are being forced to give. This illustrates very clearly what is wrong with the media's "he said, she said" game. If the established media wants to join the favored team by repeating right wing bullshit and slamming the left, that's fine - well, no, not really, but it's better than the pot calling the kettle black - by me, but they cannot then jump back onto the sidelines when they see fit and let the rest of the team take all the heat. The press needs to stop reporting "he said, she said," and start reporting who was right and who was wrong. Until then, it is just like Spy vs. Spy.

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