Sunday, May 28, 2006

Sunday Talk

I was watching This Week, and one of the guests was John Kasich, a former Republican congressman. They were not really arguing with each other, but it was interesting to see the disconnect between Kasich and Stephanopolous, a former Clintonite, in that Stephanopolous posed arguments and questions framed in "liberal" terminology, but Kasich always responded in Lakoffian terms, coming back to values based arguments and the government as head of family metaphor in his iteration of "if this is what we would teach our children, what kind of message does it send when government acts differently?"

I think it is very telling that so many politicians and other prominent members on the left still do not understand the kind of discourse they need to engage in to properly argue with the right, and to motivate and inspire people. Take a hint: read Don't Think of an Elephant, and if you have the time, Moral Politics.

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