Saturday, June 03, 2006

Important Legislation

I'm glad Congress is looking out for us in the best possible way:

A U.S. House of Representatives committee on consumer protection says it will hold a hearing on the topic later this month, with a focus on "informing parents and protecting children" from the alleged dangers of those types of games.

Introduced by Rep. Jim Matheson, a Utah Democrat, the proposal would make it illegal for anyone to sell, rent, or attempt to sell or rent video games rated "adults-only" to minors under age 18, or "mature" video games to anyone under age 17. The Federal Trade Commission would be permitted to levy fines of up to $5,000 per violation. That approach is nearly identical to a bill unveiled last December by U.S. Senate Democrats Hillary Clinton and Joseph Lieberman. They propose imposing fines o

r community service hours on any business that sells or rents video games with a "mature," "adults-only" or "ratings pending" tag to anyone under age 17. That measure has not yet gone up for debate.

Oh boy, moral majority Dems are trying to win over values voters. Allow me to explain why this is stupid.

  1. The fundies are never going to believe that Democrats represent their values. It just aint happening.
  2. Trying to prevent a "mature" video game, whatever the hell that means - just turn on some daytime tv and never mind trying to sell a nation on war all the time - from getting to "minors" is neither a liberal nor a progressive idea. It's boneheaded.
  3. Trying to beef up your "centrist" creds aint going to work for you, it's just gonna get us angier and angrier with you.
  4. DO YOUR JOBS! We've got a war, skyrocketing energy prices, an economy on a slow, downward spiral, just about everything thinkable - and even some unthinkable - crises ahead of us, and no one in this defunct Bush administration or Republican caucus has any sort of plan except to profit themselves. GET TO WORK!

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