Friday, September 29, 2006

Guess Who???

Who could "Maf54" be....

Maf54: You in your boxers, too?
Teen: Nope, just got home. I had a college interview that went late.
Maf54: Well, strip down and get relaxed.

Another message:

Maf54: What ya wearing?
Teen: tshirt and shorts
Maf54: Love to slip them off of you.

And this one:

Maf54: Do I make you a little horny?
Teen: A little.
Maf54: Cool.

No, it couldn't be, could it? Yes! Yes it is, boys and girls! It's Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL)! Chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children! Wow! Aren't you excited about your Republican government and its family values!!!????

It's enough to make me believe that irony really is dead.

On the plus side, another pickup for the Dems! Irony is dead and I'm loving it!

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