Thursday, December 07, 2006

Incompetence? Conservatism?

What Lakoff says (yes, he has Digby status).

I think the only argument that can be made against Lakoff is that when you brand Bush and the Republican party as incompetent you are attacking a relatively small group of people, but when you label it a failure of conservatism you run the risk of getting under the skin of ordinary people who self-identify as conservative and might perceive it as an attack upon themselves. However, we are at a point where there is mass discontent with the poster boy for conservatism and now is the right time to push this meme and get people to reconsider their beliefs. As Lakoff repeatedly points out throughout his essay, progressivism is a very attractive alternative.

Incidentally, Democrats will find it very hard to attract people if they do not claim the mantle of progressivism and keep on aiding and abetting conservatism.

Oh right, we already marginalized one of those assholes. Heh.

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