Monday, March 26, 2007

He Came in Here and Trashed This Place

I think Glenn Greenwald stabbed at the cancerous heart of why the punditocracy loves Republicans and is jealous of any Democrat who could steal their spotlight.

They respect and admire the Republicans who wield power in Washington -- media
elites particularly love Karl Rove (Mark Halperin to Hugh Hewitt: "we say in the
book about Karl Rove, who I respect and enjoy…I enjoy his company . . . Maybe he
did the things he’s accused of, but to have this guy’s image portrayed and
defined by things that are accusations that are unproven, we say in the book is
really outrageous"). They admire and love Rove because he is the embodiment of
the political power which they worship -- and they are angered by the notion
that these figures who rule their world, a world which lavishly rewards them,
should be accused of real wrongdoing, let alone threatened with subpoenas and
prosecution and imprisonment.

They worship at the unholy altar of power and therefore must be cast down.

Be sure to watch the very telling Youtube clip at the link.

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