Monday, May 21, 2007

Did You Know Gullible Is Not in the Dictionary?

Thanks, Washington Post.

After an initially tepid reception from policymakers, the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group are getting a second look from the White House and Congress, as officials continue to scour for bipartisan solutions to salvage the American engagement in Iraq.
With negotiations continuing this week on a new war funding bill, the administration is strongly signaling that it would accept the idea of requiring the Iraqi government to meet political benchmarks or else risk losing some assistance from the United States. That was one of the key proposals from the group headed by former secretary of state James A. Baker III and former Indiana congressman Lee H. Hamilton, but it was initially dismissed by the White House when first proposed last December.

A word to the wise: no matter what song and dance Bush does, the White House will never support any initiative that will lead to the U.S. leaving Iraq. Bush's plan is to leave the mess for the incoming Democrat, who will get us out of Iraq - worst case significantly draw down the number of troops deployed, so the Republicans can use the stabbed in the back line on Democrats.

Of course, David Broder will immediately see this as the epitome of bipartisanship and declare that Democrats go along with everything else Bush wants.

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