Friday, November 16, 2007

You've Had Your Chance

I disagreed with Congressional Democrats decision to give Bush another chance. Bush has been wrong about everything all the time and has never acted in good faith towards his opponents, so there was no reason to believe he would do so now.

It looks like Dems are finally wising up:

In the last several months, however, the administration has been stalling progress on Democratic appointments.

This problem existed before the August break.

In an effort to solve it, I worked hard to confirm over 40 administration nominees in exchange for a commitment by the President to make progress on a number of important commissions.

When we reconvened after August break, I also worked to quickly move on the President’s new Attorney General.

I did this despite my own opposition to that nominee.

Even with all this hard work on our side, the commitments the administration made to me before August break were not met.

In the almost three months since that break, we have received no Democratic nominees to full-time commission positions.

For some, in fact, absolutely no discernable progress has been made.

With Thanksgiving break looming, the administration informed me that they would make several recess appointments.

I indicated I would be willing to confirm various appointments if the administration would agree to move on Democratic appointments.

They would not make that commitment.

As a result, I am keeping the Senate in pro-forma to prevent recess appointments until we get this process back on track.
Republicans and their cohorts will go on the news and complain about how the big, bad Democrats are preventing ordinary Americans from spending time with their families, but we know that's a ton of crap. We pay their salaries and they can damn well earn them.

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