Monday, August 22, 2005


Typical Democrats don't know what they're doing and are divided story from the WaPo.

Let's get something straight. We've got the DLC "centritsts" telling us that we can't oppose the war because it's not politically expedient and anti American. Like kos says, even ignoring the fact that there's something more important here than politics, like people's lives, the DLC line doesn't add up. Bush's latest numbers are awful.

How can DLCers say that Iraq is too nuclear (har har) to handle as an issue? Take it and hit Republicans with it again and again until they beg for mercy and then keep hitting them. It's not getting any better for them and it's a chance for congressional Democrats to seize a leadership initiative. Trying to pull a Biden or a Clinton (we can win if we fight harder or better) is not going to win any points with the public. It is time someone (thank you, Russ Feingold) took a stand and called the elephant in the room for what it is. Sen. Hagel (R-NE) has blasted Bush on Iraq, how's that for an anti-American pacifist?

The netroots knows what it wants, and it doesn't have to cater to Republicans. Which raises the question, why are elected Democrats carrying water for Republicans?

Also check out Armando's ripping into this article.

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