Monday, August 07, 2006


The Democratic CT-Sen primary is tomorrow, and it's more than a little obvious who I've been rooting for all along. There are a million and two posts out there on the progressive blogosphere right now about Lamont/Lieberman, and I must agree that regardless of whether Ned wins or loses tomorrow, this campaign has shown how far the progressive movement has come in such a short time, and we have already won a victory by being as competitive as we have. The best post I've read so far is by Chris Bowers, and although it's more of a random thought roundup post, he offers this profound insight:

In the end, that seems to me to be the biggest signal that can be sent in this race. The ultimate reason, bar none, that the progressive movement has formed and that the activist base has grown angry with Democrats in DC is that Democrats keep losing. This goes beyond partisanship, beyond ideology, beyond anything. If Democrats were winning, netroots anger at the establishment would significantly dissipate.

This rings very true. Not only does Ned Lamont represent both better ideology and clear partisanship - see the 'Democrat for U.S. Senate' on Lamont's signs but no mention of the party on Lieberman's - but he also represents a position that is more in synch with Connecticut voters than the D.C. establishment's position.

I will be out of town all day tomorrow and unable to blog about the election, but I will be back on it at night, and here's hoping.

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