Monday, August 21, 2006

The Sky Falls - Good News for Republicans

If you are a member of the beltway media, then there a silver lining in every cloud for every Republican. In an election season where the stories should be focused on the overall anti-Republican trend - which is happening and is not just a progressive wet dream - how else can you explain an anti-Democrat fantasy like this?

In a year when Republicans are on the defensive almost everywhere else, the GOP smells a chance for victory in Michigan -- and a leg up on a vital presidential battleground for 2008, a state where such Republican hopefuls as Arizona Sen. John McCain and Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney are already spending lots of time.

Broder has been drinking - and probably making - the kool aid for much too long now. He even admits in the last paragraph, after he has made his point, that

In truth, parts of Michigan are doing well, including this area in the northwest corner of the Lower Peninsula, where more and more executives from Chicago and other big cities are living and working via Internet and cellphone while enjoying the lakes and golf courses in their back yards. Ann Arbor and other university towns are also thriving, and some high-tech businesses are beginning to arrive in the state, lured by new business incentives pushed by the governor.

Then why is the thesis of his piece "A Ray of GOP Hope"? The interesting trend is how Republicans are in a rout this election season - just look at how the media treated the Democrats in recent elections - not how the Republicans can possibly win one governorship - and never mind that the article does not even focus on how great the GOP candidate is, just on how bad things are for the Democrat because of the auto industry - in the upcoming elections.

This kind of hack editorializing is not much different from the Bush 32% - 33% approval rating bounce that had the media salivating. Woohoo! Only real whack jobs dislike the President. I cannot find the fantastic Media Matters article that explains the silver lining thesis very well, but it says the media will act like this:

Good month in Iraq? Good news for Bush! His plan is working!

Bad month in Iraq? Good news for Bush! He can paint Democrats as weak on security and step up the war on terror!

The silver lining in this cloud is that it is always good to find another constant in life.

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