Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The World's Stupidest Pundit

Still the guy who knows funny.

I was originally going to go paragraph by paragraph and take Cohen apart, but everything he says is so abhorrent that you need to read his column in its entirety. For example:

Daily I read the casualty list from Iraq -- and I invent reasons to make the
deaths less tragic. This is a hopeless, maybe tasteless, task, but it matters to
me if someone is a career soldier who knew what he was getting into as opposed
to some naive kid digitally juiced on a computerized version of war -- or, even
sadder, some guardsman who enlisted for God, country or spare cash, but not by
any means for Baghdad. He's a volunteer, all right, but not for a war that
didn't exist when he raised his right hand and took the oath.

Translation: we should have sympathy for the poor, 101st Fighting Keyboarders who signed up - heh heh - because they did not know what they were getting into, but to hell with all those real soldiers; they got what was coming to them. I probably will eventually reverse my position on the war still being a Good thing, but the war as it was conceived in 2003 in its Platonic form was Good and is still good.

Apparently Cohen is also schizophrenic. Fun times.

Update: Hilzoy and Greg Mitchell agree.

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