Friday, July 13, 2007

Axis of Evil

Iran has lifted its ban on visits to a nuclear facility by United Nations experts and will now allow them to inspect the site, the International Atomic Energy Agency said Friday.

The U.N. nuclear monitor also said Tehran was ready to answer key questions on past experiments that the international community fears could be linked to a weapons program. The IAEA said Iran promised the concessions earlier this week in a meeting between its officials and a senior delegation from the Vienna-based agency.

It is refreshing to see someone acting like an adult. As opposed to a certain someone's press conference yesterday. I can hardly wait for the right wing to lose their shit over this. "They're hiding WMDs somewhere else!!! It's like the Red Cross visiting Teresienstadt!!! YAAAAAHHHHRRRRRRR!!!!!!"

Just did a quick check, no one has posted about it yet.


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