Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Et Tu, Obama?

Using right-wing talking points to attack Democrats does not a Democrat make. Kos:

Obama's recent embrace of right-wing talking points and wholesale embracing of Broderite "Unite 08" talking points suggests that he's giving up on Iowa and playing to the independent vote in New Hampshire. He has to stay close in Iowa to remain viable in New Hampshire, but I'm not sure why else he would decide to shit on Democrats at such a rapid clip these past few days.
First the trial lawyer snip, now giving Al Gore and John Kerry the cold shoulder. I don't know what he's aiming for; even if his policies are comfortably progressive, if he wants to get them passed he's only digging himself into a hole by sistah souljah-ing the people who make up the Democratic party.

If Obama wins the nom and picks Bloomberg as his VP I might not vote.

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