Wednesday, January 02, 2008


President George W. Bush signed into law legislation that increases Medicare and Medicaid payments to doctors and extends a U.S. children's health program.

The law funds a 0.5 percent payment increase for six months to doctors who treat patients under the government's Medicare and Medicaid plans, which provide health care to the elderly, disabled and poor. The legislation also maintains current funding for the State Children's Health Insurance Program until March 31, 2009.

I get it. As much as I hate not being able to get proper legislation passed right now, I know it's going to be impossible as long as Commander Prissypants is riding the Oval Office Pony (no, that's not Condi Rice). If this is how the Dems want to play ball, that's fine, as long as they hammer it home that Bush and the Republicans are the ones who are preventing progress. On that count, I think the Democrats need to try harder.


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