Thursday, July 03, 2008

McCain Is Playing Loose with Campaign Finance

But it's ok, because he was a POW:

Allies of Sen. John McCain have found new loopholes in the campaign-finance law he helped write -- and they're using them to reel in huge contributions to help him compete with Sen. Barack Obama.

In one method, a Republican Party fund aimed at electing governors has started marketing itself as a home for contributions of unlimited size to help Sen. McCain. His 2002 campaign law limits donations to presidential races to try to curtail the influence of wealth.

The Republican Governors Association isn't subject to those limits, and has long gathered up large donations from individuals and companies. Now it is telling donors it can use their contributions to benefit Sen. McCain in some key battleground states.

I wonder if the media will go into conniptions and scold McCain for weeks like they did when Obama legally refused public financing.


:: ROFL ::

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