Monday, February 14, 2005

Iraqi Elections

Now that's actually kind of funny. Although I would've figured that the Shiite alliance would have won an overwhelming majority and provoked outrage by the Sunnis and Kurds, they've only clocked in at 140 seats, which is two more than required for a majority (NYT. The NYT is still reporting that turnout was 60%).

Well, it's not like the violence ended when the elections were held, and I really don't think this violence is going to end now. With under half of the eligible electorate actually voting, it's unclear how popular or effective this government is actually going to be. Remember, an election is a celebration, but it's not a guarantee that the government will be able to govern. Also, this government has to draw up a constitution of some sort. Let's see if they'll be able to do that without alienating a good part of the population.

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