Friday, February 11, 2005

North Korea has the bomb

I don't know about you, but I hardly batted an eyelash when I read that. For some reason I've been under the (probably correct) impression that the DPRK has had WMD for a while, and was only holding out to wrestle some benefits from the US, the real reason they want to have the bilateral talks. Can they be trusted? I'm not a liberal hawk and I don't really like them, but the answer is still no. Which brings us to another question: why the hell are our men dying in Iraq to protect us from a formerly non-existant threat (that we created by being there) while we let a crazy regime become dangerous while we looked the other way? And we pulled troops out of South Korea to boot.

The sad truth is that the culprit is once again this administration. What was in Iraq that wasn't in the DPRK (besides the lack of a real threat)? 1. Oil. I'm not saying this is the reason we went to war there, but you can't ignore that it is a reason. If you don't believe me, look at what the troops first secured when we got there and what was supposed to pay for some of the cost of the war, and look at what company's doing a lot of construction work there and who used to run that company. 2. A grudge. Yes, Bush is stupid enough to let a grudge he's probably held since Bush Sr. didn't get to annihilate Saddam influence his politics. He's said as much. He probably also sees Gulf War I as the reason daddy lost in '92. 3. Israel. Too many crazy evangelicals and neo-con Jews in the party see Israel as a top priority, either because they need all the Jews to get there and then die so the rapture can occur, or they'd rather work through war and strongarm tactics as opposed to diplomacy in order to frighten Israel's neighbors into uneasy peace.

How can Bush still sell the war in Iraq when the DPRK has nukes? Easy. Look at how many people believe every lie and untruth he has told to date. It's only when people stop watching fox news and get informed that they will throw his crap back at him. But as for the true believers, if he held up a pile of horse shit (you can take that either literally or metaphorically) and told them that it really wasn't horse shit and instead the manna, they'd eat it.

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