Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Bankruptcy Bill

Schumer's amendment, which would have made it harder for anti-abortion protesters to file for bankruptcy to avoid paying fines, failed yesterday. According to the WaPo,

Opponents of the Schumer amendment such as Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) described it as a "poison pill" intended to kill the bill by invoking the divisive issue of abortion about a problem that doesn't exist.

Gee, I've never seen Republicans invoke (gay marriage) a divisive issue (abortion) about a problem (civil liberties) that doesn't exist (social security). I'm afraid Sen. Orrin Hack (R-Utah) is calling the kettle black. The only way the GOP has been able to win any support is by diverting the focus from class warfare and things that are actually occuring and hurting people to cultural warfare, which is a GOP construct that empowers bigots.

Nevermind that this bill is just another step for big finance and credit card companies to hurt any old Joe who falls into bankruptcy by one means or another. That's your GOP.

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