Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I Lose

There's nothing going on today so I'm going to post on Schiavo. The reason that I'm so against this is because it's a non-issue that the GOP is trying to make more use of in their culture war, and it's totally irrelevant to anything important. Nevermind that 70% of the population (me included) think the government should stay out of this altogether. However, if the GOP wants to shoot itself in the foot I'll be cheering them on the entire way.

First is a diary from Kos, which details the Schindler's principled stand... on money.

Next is the WaPo's Howard Kurtz, who I think has things a little backward, accusing the Democrats of being divided while the Republicans are united. Sorry Howie, apparently you didn't check all the facts. Which is kind of annoying, because big media consistently gives the GOP byes again and again. Let me get this straight Kurtz, you trust Powerline?

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