Friday, July 01, 2005

The Crazies Are At It Again

Apparently the 10 commandments decision was not good enough for the Christian fundamentalists in this country. So,

"This Congress is just not going to sit by and let an unaccountable judiciary make these kinds of decisions," said Representative Tom DeLay of Texas, the House Republican leader.

Why don't we get something straight right now. The judiciary is accountable. Not to any legislator or the public, but it is accountable to the Constitution. That is the highest law in the land and the one that every legislator takes an oath to uphold. Just because DeLay and a group of small but powerful fundamentalists want to remake this country in their own image does not they can get away with it. To challenge and trample the Constitution is tantamount to treason and we are not going to sit by and let an unaccountable Congress make these kinds of decisions.


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