Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Democrats Stand For

Economic and social responsibility.

How's that hypocognition for ya?

I really can't think of a better way to sum it up. It's as concise of a response as "Republicans stand for small government (lie) and lower taxes (mushy lie)." Economic and social responsibility covers the laundry list of Democratic policies such as progressive taxation, social programs, civil liberties, the environment and a multilateralist approach to foreign policy. I know I'm leaving out lots of issues, but I think most of them are covered under that catchphrase.

Plus, this catchphrase comes with added benefits. (and all for a super low price of free. you can't get a better deal than that) The word responsibility carries a whole lot of connotations with it, most of them good ones. A responsible person is a good person while an irresponsible person is a bad person. Everyone in society has responsibilites of one form or another. Everyone has responsibilites to his family that he must fulfill. Democrats are just as much for strengthening individual nuclear families as they are the greater family of the nation. As Democrats we realize that we have that responsibility to our neighbors and fellow citizens. In order to be responsible for oneself and others one must have strength and discipline. By asserting that we are for economic and social responsibility we can demonstrate that we are both strong and disciplined.

We are assuming a good moral value by asserting our responsibility. Whether it's our responsibility to guarantee low energy prices or the right to privacy, it's something that we will deliver and Republicans won't.

I think keeping it short and sweet is good, but any modifications or suggestions are welcome.

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