Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Alright, I know Gonzales has been coming under fire from left and right. It seems that no one wants him for SC justice except Bush (Senate Republicans do not count because their argument is the President gets his man, which does not reflect their own desires).

I have to say that I do not know about Gonzales. I would do everything to stop him from getting appointed to the court because of his involvement with (approval of) torture. You cannot do something like that and get away with it. To hell with his support of torture making him a second class jurist, it makes him a second class human being.

That said, if he got appointed to the SC (not like I could stop him) he does not strike me as being a hardcore conservative or strict constructionist. The problem is that I think he would be Bush's lapdog. The reason Bush keeps Gonzales close and likes him is because Gonzales does whatever Bush tells him to do. The real question is once Bush leaves office would he still be able to pull the puppet's strings or not.

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