Saturday, November 12, 2005



sharply criticized Democrats who have accused him of misleading the nation about the threat from Iraq's weapons programs, calling their criticism "deeply irresponsible" and suggesting that they are undermining the war effort.

Wanna know what really undermines the war effort? Lying to the world. Not properly equipping your soldiers. Not having a plan of action. Not having a sense of reality. And most of all, melting the skin off of children with white phosphorus. That's what undermines a war effort, you stupid fuck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike!

I hope all is well. Have you read Hendrik Hertzberg's compendium of essay "Politics"? It's tremendulous.

P.S. Did Lakoff include a part about calling people "fuckwits" in Moral Politics? I haven't read it yet.

P.P.S. I don't honestly believe most Americans care about children dying in wars or that an's actionable talking point. Seriously.