Friday, November 25, 2005

Why Can't the NYT Get its Shit Together?

Do these reporters even bother to investigate or check anything do they write, or are they content to call themselves 'reporters' when all they do is pull words out of thin air? In regard to state budget surpluses, John Broder writes:

The windfall is a result of both a general upturn in the economy and conservative budgeting by state officials in recent years, and it is leading to the restoration of school funding, investments in long-neglected roads and bridges, debt reduction, and the return of money borrowed from cities and counties.

A general upturn in the economy? That's not pulling words out of thin air, that's pulling them out of your head, which is stuck up your ass. First, Broder doesn't cite any evidence for this general upturn in the economy. Second, it just ain't so.

When will reporters realize, or at least admit to being aware of the fact, that what they write shapes opinions. When you report something as fact that is not so, you are misling people into believing what is not true. If this is the kind of reporting that goes on at the ivory tower of journalism then reporters at the NYT need to take responsibility for what they write.

Broder, however, can wait his turn while we start with Judy.

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