Monday, November 28, 2005

Want Him to Knock You Up with His Thing?

Better wait for the bling. Bling baby, like the whore fundamentalist Christians know you are, because you're a woman.

I guess I need to start drinking heavily in order to see why abstinence is the moral high ground, because I am sober and not getting it at all.


Anonymous said...

Drinking isn't a substitute for sex so much as a (figurative) lubricant for it.

P.S. If you haven't already, I think you should make a comment about all the Iraq as El Salvador talk of recent days. I was daydreaming on the bus the other day and I began to think "How could we fuck up Iraq even more?" and then, like an early Christmas present, there it was: US-backed death squads.

Anonymous said...

Whiskey Dick owes me, like, 4 dollars. We get to the Jack in the Box on Geary, the one that's open until 2 and we're walking in and he's all like "Oh man, I must have left my wallet in my khakis...Man, I was really hoping for an Oreo Cookie Shake...a medium one..." What a world class twat.