Friday, December 30, 2005


Time ta get them crimnuls!

The Justice Department said today that it had opened a criminal investigation into the disclosure of classified information about a secret National Security Agency program under which President Bush authorized eavesdropping on people in the United States without a court warrant.

As we all know it's much more important to investigate those lawbreakers who leaked information than to spend time on the people who broke the laws in the first place. Stalin, er, I mean Bush, is infallible. Their reason?

"The leaking of classified information is a serious issue," Mr. Duffy said. "The fact is that Al Qaeda's playbook is not printed on Page One, and when America's is, it has serious ramifications."

Where do I even begin... here's good. As we all know, the leaking of classified information is quite serious. Just ask Scooter Libby and Karl Rove. They know all about that. That quote should read:

"The leaking of information that could possibly harm the Bush administration's image is a serious issue," Mr. Duffy said.

Just a thought.

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