Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The WAR on Xmas

Note I said Xmas, not ******mas, which is what people like me are waging war on.

I thought it was already ridiculous when rightwing, nut-job Christian groups decided to put their weight behind this meme and make this into an issue - C&L has a clip of Air America Radio host Sam Seder tearing into one of these crazies - and of course you never stand a chance of bypassing O'Reilly making it into a no spin zone crusade if it is that batshit, but I never thought it would get to the point where House Republicans are trying to pass a bill to "fight" the war on Xmas.

This is nothing short of being absolutely pathologically insane. Besides the obvious paranoia and fear of persecution, the fact that the governing body in this country is spending its time on something like this is totally fucking crazy. I was watching the parties debate this issue on C-Span, and could not help but be struck by the absurdity of the entire issue. (Apparently so was the Onion)

  1. There is no war on Christmas (see? I said it)
  2. No one is getting hurt in said war, unlike that other war from which some congresscritters keep trying to divert attention
  3. Government should do its job and govern
It is a fucking non-issue, so get over it. Stop being whiny-ass titty babies. Furthermore, stop trying to divert attention from the real issues at hand and get to governing and spreading happiness and joy, or at least providing people with healthcare, education, heating in the winter, and food for those who cannot provide for themselves. The myth of everyone being able to support himself and do well is nothing more than a myth. This ridiculousness only goes to prove that. Republicans cannot even tie their shoes by themselves in the morning with having conniptions about if someone is attacking Christmas. A real country with a serious government would not be caught dead even thinking about this issue. For that matter, so would any sane person.

But I guess all of this makes sense if you assume that Republicans are bald faced liars and hypocrites, only interested in stupid things they cannot substantiate to bolster their own egos and assert themselves over others and control them. This is the only credible explanation for the situation.

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