Sunday, December 04, 2005

Scalito Looks ScaCrazier Every ScaDay

I was fully expecting him to be a not-so-in the closet misogynist and Republican hack. But this is something entirely different:

Alito wrote that he saw no constitutional problem with a police officer shooting and killing an unarmed teenager who was fleeing after a $10 home burglary.

"I think the shooting [in this case] can be justified as reasonable," Alito wrote in a 1984 memo to Justice Department officials.

Because the officer could not know for sure why a suspect was fleeing, the courts should not set a rule forbidding the use of deadly force, he said.

So now we know for certain that this man is another nutjob like Thomas. Democratic senators save us. Somebody needs to find out what Scalito thinks about the commerce clause, and quickly.

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