Saturday, April 09, 2005

GOP, It's Easy as Hypocrisy

So a Republican consultant in MA married his boyfriend of 40 years. No problem over here with me, I think it's only natural. However,

One of Mr. Finkelstein's associates, who declined to speak on the record, citing Mr. Finkelstein's desire for privacy, said Mr. Finkelstein did not view his marriage as a political statement and had specifically decided to have a civil ceremony rather than a religious one.

Who are we kidding? The GOP made gay marriage into a tenet of their culture war, is going around the country trying to pass state laws forbidding it, never mind that we'll probably see another shot at a federal marriage amendment, and this guy expects us to let his party choose what will and will not be accepted as a political statement? Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...


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