Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Locked and Loaded

With Republicans very possibly moving to eliminate the judicial filibuster, Democrats have all the ammo they need to turn public sentiment against the GOP. Knowing the GOP they might try to push this through earlier than expected to get it done by any dirty means. Why haven't the Democrats made much public headway on this? Partially it's their own fault, too many Nomentums out there willing to be the Republican's butt-boys, and it's not a message that I'm hearing all the time from the entire Democratic body. Some members are always harping away on it (good) but it seems that others couldn't care (bad). There needs to be a unified effort on this. Partially, however, it's also the fault of the SCLM. Here we are with the Republicans literally tearing down the system of checks and balances, violating the establishment clause, and rubbing the constitution in the mud daily, and the SCLM couldn't seem to give a crap, they just have a conservative talking head on TV explaining how it's fine. Time to take a stand on the facts, because I have this notion from somewhere that the media has to do some objective reporting sometime, and when people break the law you have to come down on them and make it clear that they are in the wrong, as opposed to giving them a free pass and making snarky comments at progressives (wolfblitzer).

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