Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Bush Blogging

"We must have greater confidentiality in the White House."

Translation: Fuck you, America!!!!!!!! Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, and that Dick can take a leak all over you and you'll just have to deal with it.

The worst part was when he applauded the citizen response to Katrina, and then said that "there is a limit to the love government can give."

That's right, government should not lift a hand while people die - wait, I seem to recall something about the war on terror... well, I guess I can't remember after all - because it should not, and uncoordinated, disorganized people do a fine job by themselves. Well, I guess if you lower your expectations enough the response was ok.

Finally, can someone PLEASE remind the preznit that his war on social security is over and he lost? He's such a crybaby.

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