Sunday, October 09, 2005

I've Got Big Balls

But DeLay's got the biggest balls of them all.

Defense lawyers for Representative Tom DeLay asked a court to dismiss the indictments against him on Friday, claiming that the prosecutor in the Texas case had taken "extraordinarily irregular" steps in trying to bring charges against the former House majority leader.

Despite the facts that there was nothing irregular about it, DeLay has been reprimanded by the ethics committee on multiple occasions and that his record is as black as oil and coal, he still has the nerve to do something like this. The Republican attack machine knows only how to attack when put on the defensive. Sometimes, like Swift Boat, it's a smart move. Other times, like now, it's just boneheaded and stupid. But it would be even stupider for the other side to take it lying down, because then the only talking point that gets heard is DeLay's.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mike is being modest. He's packing cantaloupes.