Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Go Cheney Yourself

This deplorable incident of Cheney shooting a man in the face is really getting out of hand. All they had to do was rush him to a hospital, and notify the public of what happened (no doubt it was accident).

Instead, we have a he said/she said between Dick and Katherine Armstrong about who was going to notify the press, when and about what, Scott McClellan making jokes, lying and stonewalling the affair, as well as the secret service preventing the local police from getting to and assessing the scene and the White House sitting on the information for half a day. Harry Whittington has been in the ICU for days and has suffered a minor heart attack. This is fucking ridiculous.

Dick Cheney shot a man in the face.

To ask a rhetorical question, why is this playing out like everything else the administration does? This is not about WMD, the budget or Katrina, yet the White House treats it as such. If this country has regressed to the point where our kings - er, elected nobility - um, vice president can shoot a man and not have to come clean about it then we have a lot of work to do.

All the blogs have been great on spot about this, but Firedoglake in particular has been fantastic. Go and read it.

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